Sunday, March 01, 2009

Its the little things...

I went upstairs earlier this week to wake sweet little Reese from her nap so I could feed her and look what I discovered...someone found their thumb :) Too sweet!

I love when our friends and family get to meet Reese for the first time. This week one of our great friends Matt was in town with his girlfriend Jennifer from Birmingham.
Love that they got to meet our little one!
Finally, my mother-in-law and I went to Tallahassee last weekend to celebrate Jamie's bridal shower with her! It was the first time all of the cousins were together! So much fun! I still can't believe there are three of them...
Reese ( 7wks); Avery (2 1/2) and Kinley (9wks)


Kailee Grulich said...

SO cute! guess what...I found Kinley with her thumb in her mouth the other day too! and now it's a fight to get her to take the pacifier - but she can't find her thumb again so she's sucking on her wrist instead :) it was great having you here, can't wait to play in YOUR house next week! love ya!

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful, I can hardly handle it.