Monday, February 13, 2006

All grown up...

From hiding behind her Mama's legs when she was 1...and shy, to all up in your face like the spazz that she is today...and not so shy! Not to mention all of the wonderful times in between, like, leading her high school volleyball team in kills, or were you leading the entire county? Or taking out her big brothers girlfriend in pool basketball...! Good thing she didn't kill me or I wouldn't be here today to wish her a HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!

Click here for more pictures of the party! Stuffed cream cake...and even that annoying game at the fair that is as addictive as crack! (atleast for my mother-in-law and I)

Have a great week everyone...
Teresa Cook

1 comment:

Melissa*Elswick said...

Those stuffed shells look delicious! Let me made them right?! I know your lasagna kicks butt and I am sure those do too!

Melissa *E