Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Calling all cooks...

This past Saturday Teddy and I spent the day at the South Beach Food & Wine Festival. If you ever get a chance to go to this (for free) GO!!! It is awesome! However, the tickets are $125.00 so, like I said, for free ;) As great as it was, Im not sure that its worth $125.00.

We walked around tasting all sorts of things from cheesecake, to duck, to raw tuna in an ice cream cone! The best part however were the live cooking shows from all of the Food Network chefs! So fun!

This is one of my favorite recipes from one of my favorite Food Network chef's, Rachael Ray, and it's super easy!

Almond-Orange-Apricot Crescent Rolls

1 package store bought crescent roll dough (recommended: Pilsbury brand)
1/4 cup apricot preserves or all fruit spread
1/4 cup orange marmalade
1 egg
Splash of water
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1/4 cup sliced almonds, 2-ounce sack from baking aisle

Preheat oven to package directions and roll out dough on a nonstick cookie sheet. Cut and separate dough into perforated triangles. Combine the apricot jam or fruit spread and the orange marmalade in a small bowl. Place bowl in microwave and cook on HIGH 15 seconds to loosen the preserves. Beat egg with water to thin it out a little for an egg wash. Use the back of a teaspoon to spread a thin layer of apricot-orange jam across each piece of dough. Roll crescents up, brush with a little egg wash and coat with sesame seeds and almonds. Bake to package directions until deep golden in color. Serve warm.

Yummy!! Enjoy...

The 'Cooks'

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Boat Day!

Nothing like a little hepatitis...
We spent Monday, Presidents Day boating in South Lake off of the Intercoastal in Hollywood with Teddy's dad, his sister Bonnie and her boyfriend Brian. Even though I've heard some NASTY stuff about that water...it was an awesome day!


The Pro water-skier,
Teresa ;)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Congratulations Beckie!!

Congratulations Beckie and Dre! This weekend we celebrated the coming of baby Isabella Nikole Thomas! Beckie and Dre's first little one! She will be making her debut next month!! We can't wait to meet little Isabella, for now, we'll just shower her mommy with gifts! ;)

And I must admit, seeing all of these adorable little baby clothes was very tempting...

More pictures here


Wednesday, February 15, 2006


SAY "AMEN" because
You will see the invisible,
You will do the impossible...
Because you will touch the intangible
You will achieve the incredible.......
Because you will hear the inaudible,
You will have the unimaginable...........
Because of you, your family will not know poverty
You will go in and out of your house in peace,
Violence and crying of sorrow shall not be heard in your camp...
Because you are God's Idea and God cannot fail,
you shall not fail this year...
Favor shall overwhelm your endeavors
2006 will be your year of unlimited greatness
You shall not struggle to be recognized
Your gift shall announce you.
You are entitled to daily fruitfulness
Every darkness in your life shall give way to the light of God
All your lack will give way to abundance
You shall enjoy uncommon marital bliss in the year 2006
The rejected shall become the selected
People shall hear your testimonies and follow you to God
In everything you do, you will succeed...
What you have never done before for good...you will do in the new year...
By the time this 2006 ends, you will look back with joy
and ahead with great expectations....
You will take charge of your life as you master your time...
You will discover how to maximize your time and add value to it....
You will become the star of your family....
and the hope of your generation....
Because you know where you are going....
the whole world will step aside and follow u .....
May you find favor with God and men...
May you grow in wisdom and stature....
May you walk in dominion over every circumstance and situation....
May every day in the new year be for you, days of success and purpose....
In this new year never forget to
Act as if it were impossible to fail..
Because for people like you and me ...
the word failure does not exist.....
Your success is non-negotiable....
2006 will be the greatest year of your life and
the beginning of unprecedented success in your life!
Those who laughed at you before shall come to laugh with you.
However bad it has been with you till this point,
you shall from henceforth enter into the rest and
God shall take you to the place of your greatness and destiny.
You shall have
visions that are clear,
virtues that are right
and victory that is certain.
You are
blessed beyond curse,
raised above terror
and established beyond oppression.
You shall not lack counsel and ideas.
You shall have
eyes that see,
ears that hear
and a heart that understands.
In place of breakdown
you shall have breakthrough
In confusion, you shall be enlightened,
In weakness you shall be strengthened.
There shall be for you
beauty in place of ashes,
the oil of gladness in place of spirit of heaviness.
Every closed door against your
goodness, greatness and destiny
shall open of their own accord.
You shall be
instructed and illuminated
within by the Spirit of God.
You shall do the right thing at the right time.
You shall rise above every obstacle and be carried on the wings of eagle.
God will remember you for good.
You shall fulfil and not frustrate destiny.
Christ shall live in you.

Monday, February 13, 2006

All grown up...

From hiding behind her Mama's legs when she was 1...and shy, to all up in your face like the spazz that she is today...and not so shy! Not to mention all of the wonderful times in between, like, leading her high school volleyball team in kills, or were you leading the entire county? Or taking out her big brothers girlfriend in pool basketball...! Good thing she didn't kill me or I wouldn't be here today to wish her a HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!!

Click here for more pictures of the party! Stuffed shells...ice cream cake...and even that annoying game at the fair that is as addictive as crack! (atleast for my mother-in-law and I)

Have a great week everyone...
Teresa Cook

Thursday, February 02, 2006

There's no place like home...

...it's true! Italy was is one word: freezing! I finally figured out how to get all of these pictures online for your viewing pleasure! They are backwards, we went to Florence first, then Rome and finally Venice! Enjoy!!

Teddy and Teresa
